Live Stream during Sunset

“There is nothing more inspiring than playing a piano during the sunset, with a beautiful view, it is something unbelievable, literately you just start playing and let it go. Music is powerful, it can heal anything, for me isn’t just improvising, but it’s all about transmit what you feel in real time, it is an emotional therapy that can’t be compared with anything else. Peaceful music combined with the Art of God, is simply one of the best experiences that you can enjoy in matter of minutes every single day by watching this videos, I promise you will be more peaceful, you will believe that the world isn’t bad at all, there is hope in it, you will feel freedom in every way, and that’s my mission, to spread that message around the world, you can help me by sharing this videos to reach more people, and feel free to contact me anytime, blessings!”

Aaron Mendoza


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